Expert: non-invasive prenatal testing increases the accuracy of detecting aneuplody to 100%


In several countries, NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test) is used as a first-line test for all pregnant women, which allows to bring the accuracy of detection of frequent aneuploidy to almost 100%, says Elena Baranova, Ph.D., medical director of the company EVOGEN, at the IV All-Russian seminar "Reproductive Potential of Russia: Versions and Contraverses".

NIPT (non-invasive prenatal test) is based on the analysis of fetal extracellular DNA in maternal blood by high-throughput sequencing ("NGS"). NIPT is non-invasive for the fetus, does not bear the risk of losing it, has high accuracy, which reduces the risk group and the need to use invasive procedures.

- In several countries, for example, in Belgium, the Netherlands, China, NIPT is a routine screening that is used as a first-line test for all pregnant women. The accuracy of detection of frequent aneuploidy using NIPT increases to almost 100%. There is also a strategy in which NIPT is used for cohort screening of medium risk - in such cases, a risk threshold of 1: 1000 or 1: 2500 is used, said Elena Baranova.

EVOGEN is an innovative laboratory offering NIPT with full localization of technology in Russian Federation.


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